Friday, November 16, 2012

Recommended Books & Resources

1. 13 Moon Oracle Cards by Ariel Spilsbury

2. “Circle of life” book by Elizabeth Davis and Carol Leonard

Goddess Sites
The Ways of The Goddess -
Mythology of the Goddess -
Sacred Teachings About The Goddess Craft -
Goddess Mystery School with Priestess Ten nebula -
I am...The Great Mother Goddess -
The Divine Nature of The Goddess -

Tools for Light Beings & Light Workers

Earth by Barbara Marciniak
The Pleiadian Workbook by Amorah Quan Yin
Spiritual Growth by Sonaya Roman
The Mayan Oracle By Spilsbury & Bryner

Spiritual Books for Healing
Hands of Light By Barbara Brennan
You Can Heal your life By Louise May
The Amazing Power of Delibrate Intent by Esther and Jerry Hicks
The Nature of Personal Reality by Jane Roberts
The Power of Now by Erkhart Tolle
Change your mind and your life will follow by Karen Casey
Be Yourself by Mike Robbins
How Not to Die by Dr. Michael Greger

Ten Nebula works & contributions
The Ten Nebula Empire -
Ten Nebula Performance Arts -

Spiritual Teachers & Centers
NY Open Center -
Omega Institute -

Daily Messages of Inspiration

Learn more, visit "The Ten Nebula Resource Library" -

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Special Thanks to The Source


Thank You Goddess for my life
Thank You Goddess for my body
Thank You Goddess for my home
Thank You Goddess for my amazing work
Thank You Goddess for all my clients & fans
Thank You Goddess for all my successful businesses
Thank You Goddess for all my money
Thank You Goddess for my spiritual family & friends
Thank You Goddess for my health
Thank You Goddess for my courage
Thank You Goddess for being able to help others daily
Thank You Goddess for my path
Thank You Goddess for all the light & love in my life
Thank You Goddess for being me
Thank You Goddess to my past, present and future
Thank You Goddess for all that I am and all that I have
Ten nebula

Contact info

Site created by Tanya Thomas (Ten Nebula)
The Goddess Archetypes -



Thanks to all our visitors, fans, students and clients!!!!!
Thank you for visiting my site and business

I have a healing practice & Goddess Mystery School

You can reach me by email at

or visit me on any of the major social sites
(i.e. Instagram, facebook, linked in, youtube, twitter)

Bright Blessings!!!!!!!